André Rieu's Maastricht Castle (part 2)

Exclusive behind the scenes pictures 

Immortalised in a painting
A stunning picture of André, hanging in his dining room.

André's signature
Very few people can get away with signing the walls of their own house. André is definitely one of them.

The trophy cabinet
Just some of the awards that have been lavished on André over the years (note the Classic FM Album of the Year awards from the Classic BRITs, right at the top as they should be...)

André in the greenhouse

The greenhouse

André and Bill Overton
André sits down with Classic FM's Bill Overton in the dining room of his Maastricht castle

The garden
André Rieu's striking garden, complete with fountain

The greenhouse
The entrance to André's stunning greenhouse.

Exotic birds
André's greenhouse is home to many different exotic birds.

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